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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография 999

Название :

Chicane Destination

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    punk   punk rock   british punk   new wave   77 punk

Видео: 999 - Chicane Destination  

Текст песни 999 - Chicane Destination

Approach chicane destination
Chaos or automation
Gathering forces coast to coast
Trusting allies watching hosts
Mark them early see them young
Modern clear cut fighting gun

( )
Chicane destination
Impach imminent no evasion
Chicane destination
Impach imminent no evasion
Impach imminent no evasion

Vengance blacklash alarm
Street boys fight napalm
Bred on work for H.P. payment
Lives in debt to black and agent
Christies sell for fifty grand
Stupid junk to jet set man

Barricades bottles and blood
Harvest for the flood
Factions fight to take control
Of a million derogates on the dole
And maybe youll be in their ranks
Come crusching time with clubs and tanks

Похожие исполнители:
Фото The Lurkers
The Lurkers
Фото Chelsea
Фото Slaughter and The Dogs
Slaughter and The Dogs
Фото The Vibrators
The Vibrators
Фото The Boys
The Boys


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