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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография 999

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Жанры :    punk   punk rock   british punk   new wave   77 punk

Видео: 999 - Emergency  

Текст песни 999 - Emergency

We've heard it all before
We've learning to ignore
You must confess this awful mess
Isn't just a bore
It's more than we could bear
But you don't really care
Kiss of live to save our life
( )
All you do is stare
Sell yourself for cheap
Make our mother weep
Loosing pride is hard to hide
And harder still to keep

I'm back in full attack
Never give in until they crack

Raiders strike but where
Panic in the air
Running scared oh im so scared
It gets you everywhere
Heard it on the news
Rebels get accused
Fighting for another cause
But why and where and whose
Carry out their plan
Release us if you can
Whats your worth to a pile of earth
Youre just another man

Black jack wanna quack
Never get your money back
Pack attack in the back
By a bloody maniac
Better see industry
Take it fast and make it last
Go away make them pay
Never make the same misstakes
Sometimes care sometimes not
See 'em bleed and see them rot

Похожие исполнители:
Фото The Lurkers
The Lurkers
Фото Chelsea
Фото Slaughter and The Dogs
Slaughter and The Dogs
Фото The Vibrators
The Vibrators
Фото The Boys
The Boys


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