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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Num Skull

Название :

Turn Of A Screw

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    thrash metal   death metal   death-thrash metal   old school thrash metal   brutal thrash metal

Видео: Num Skull -  Turn Of A Screw  

The Devil`s dungeon has trapped inside
Your cynical thoughts of death
Endless suspicion, driven solely
To trouble your knowledge of release
Twisting and turning I`m urging
Questioned oppression that you deplore
Searching for answers, there are none in store
All leading to reasons of when you will die
Soundless hysteria echoes so loudly
Through channels of your brain
Shredding your lucidity
Caused by the constant driving crave
Seeking and searching you look for the key
Too clever, so never will you be free
Harassing and haunting
Excision of mercy, all ceasing of soundness
Confounded you lose
The foolishness of yourself has found you
Locked up in a cage
Discretion of your brain
Has left you knowledgeless of your Age
You know not yourself, you know not existence
Your insight on life is unknown
You trouble yourself with Theory of Death
Inversion in you has shown
Your mind is in pieces, your conscience is dead
Your activities are restained
You`ve hounded yourself with Theory of Death
You`ve driven yourself insane
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