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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Traffic

Название :

Many A Mile To Freedom

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    classic rock   progressive rock   rock   psychedelic rock   psychedelic

Видео: Traffic -  Many A Mile To Freedom  

Many a mile to freedom, many a smile to tell

Ask my bluebird to sing you, from the heart of a wishing well

Call all my reindeer to graze here, call all my grain to grow

Then together we flow like the river

Then together we melt like the snow

Many a thought unanswered, many a tale to tell

Ask my bluebird to sing you, from the heart of a wishing well

If you should ask me to give you the reason for life that we know

Then together we flow like the river

And together we melt like the snow

Many a mile to freedom, many a smile to tell

Ask my bluebird to sing you, from the heart of a wishing well

If you should ask me to give you the reason for life that we know

Then together we flow like the river

Then together we melt like the snow

A few more miles to go

Miles to freedom
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