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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Traffic

Название :

Paper Sun

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    classic rock   progressive rock   rock   psychedelic rock   psychedelic

Видео: Traffic -  Paper Sun  

Well you think you had a good time

With the boy that you just met

Kicking sand from beach to beach

Your clothes all soaking wet

But if you look around and see

A shadow on the run

Don`t be too surprised if its just a paper sun

Ahh Paper Sun, Ahh Paper Sun

In the room where you`ve been sleeping

All your clothes all thrown about

Cigarettes burn window sills

Your meter`s all run out

But then again its nothing

You just split when day is done

Pitching lips to nowhere, hung up on the paper sun

Standing in the cool of my room

Fresh cut flowers give me sweet perfume

Too much sun will burn!

When you`re feeling tired and lonely

You see people going home

You can`t make the train fare

Or the six pence for the phone

And icicles your crying

From your cheek have just begun

Dont be sad, good times are had

Beneath the paper sun

Daylight breaks while you sleep on the sand

A seagull is stealing the ring from your hand

The boy who had given you so much fun

Has left you so cold in the paper sun
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Steve Winwood

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