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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Traffic

Название :

Smiling Phases

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    classic rock   progressive rock   rock   psychedelic rock   psychedelic

Видео: Traffic -  Smiling Phases  

Do yourself a favor

Wake up to your mind

Life is what you make it

You see but still your blind

Get yourself together, give before you take

You`ll find out the hard way

Soon you`re going to break

Smiling Phases, going places

Even when they bust you

Keep on smiling through and through

And you`ll be amazed at the gaze on their faces

As they sentence you

You don`t need a lawyer

When you`re in a fix

Someone gets the pay off

You`re friends are full of tricks

How could you love something

That you just can`t buy?

Own up to the truth girl

Your mother`s gone on by

Your companion, brings you flowers

You just hang him up

And keep him waiting there for hours

And you should just see the look on his face

As you slide down the rail
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Steve Winwood

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